Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fun in Jecheon

Hello, Everyone!

I arrived safely at Incheon International Airport around 4:30pm yesterday. I expected to be met at the airport, but ended up using a payphone to call the person who was going to meet me and was given (slightly confusing) instructions on how to get on the bus instead. The bus drivers spoke no English, but I managed to get on the right one and arrived in Jecheon around 11pm. The recruiter, the school owner, and the school supervisor met me at the bus stop and took me to my hotel, where I will staying until I move into my apartment on Saturday. The hotel is nice, with the glaring exception of having no wi-fi and of being so overheated that I feel sick. When I arrived last night I felt terribly lonely and just wanted to go home.

This morning, however, when I opened my windows and saw the sunlight on the city and the mountains, and walked outside into the crisp autumn air (61 Fahrenheit, currently), I felt much better. I found wi-fi down the street, and bought a large bottle of icy cold water. So nice. Then I was picked up and taken to the school. I will be teaching 7-year-olds in the morning and older kids in the afternoon. The kids seem really smart, and when I observed a class of 6-year-olds, three of them came and leaned on me (one of them called me "mommy" the whole time, and another one wouldn't stop eating paper). They're rowdy and loud and fun and I think I'm going to love them. I met some of the other teachers, too, and they all seem really nice. I ate lunch at the school (my first meal in Korea) and it was delicious. I'm very jet-lagged, so forgive me if this blog isn't quite up to my normal standards - I feel like I could fall asleep with my head on the desk right now!

I think the nights are going to be lonely and weird for awhile, but I have the days to look foward to - being surrounded by Korean kids and English-speaking teachers. Now I know I'll be fine until Will gets here (and after, of course).

I start teaching for real on Monday, I think, so I'll write again soon after. Thanks for reading!

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