Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Chuseok (추석) Holiday

Chuseok is a Korean holiday a bit similar to our Thanksgiving. It's a Fall harvest holiday, with a large meal, many traditions, and visits to one's hometown and one's ancestor's burial mounds. For Chuseok, our kindergarten classes participated in the traditional art of making Songpyeon, Korean rice cake. To make Songpyeon, you encase sweet potato, beans, or other similar ingredients in glutinous rice flour, then steam it with pine needles. Ours tasted really gross to me and Will, but it was fun.


We got 5 days off from school (Sat - Wed), so we decided to go to Danyang, which is about 40 min. away. There we went to Gosu Caves (1.7km walkway through the 5km cave), and walked through Sobaeksan National Park (one of the most beautiful parks in Korea). It. Was. Gorgeous. I love Korea in the Fall, and I love the Chuseok holiday!

Oh yeah, and I baked stuff. That's always fun. 

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